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Linux commando's Proxmox

  1. lspci command : List all PCI devices.
  2. lshw command : Linux identify Ethernet interfaces and NIC hardware.
  3. dmidecode command : List all hardware data from BIOS.
  4. ifconfig command : Outdated network config utility.
  5. ip command : Recommended new network config utility.
  6. hwinfo command : Probe Linux for network cards.
  7. ethtool command : See NIC/card driver and settings on Linux.

unlock vm

qm unlock IDNR

lukt diet niet dan manueel verwijderen

rm /var/lock/qemu-server/lock-<VMID>.conf

  1. Now, we have to create the VM. The extracted OVA consists of two configuration files, one for the VM and the other for the Disk.  

    We will be creating the VM with the corresponding configuration file as seen below:

    qm importovf 245 ./filename.ovf proxthin --format qcow2
      This command will import the VM described in the OVF file with the specified settings. The resulting VM will be assigned the given VM ID 245 and stored in the specified storage location.

  2. Next, we have to import the VMDK to My Virtual Machine as seen here:
    qm importdisk 245 filename.vmdk local-lvm -format qcow2
  3. Then, we have to add the disk to the VM with this command:  

    qm set vmid; --scsi device_number storage:disk_image

Stop backup job:

vzdump -stop

performance test Ceph

Als disk niet toont bij bepaalde vm, doen dan via ssh:

qm rescan

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Philippe Van Impe

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
